
Quisha King


“Mass Exodus Movement” Conservative Mom Goes Back To Public Schools To Save More Kids From Indoctrination

JACKSONVILLE, FL, February 5, 2024/Press Release/– Florida Mom Quisha King made waves in 2021 saying ‘’we need a mass exodus from the public school system”.  Now she’s going back in to help parents protect their children from the indoctrination that continues in public schools.

Those that have been able to pull their children out have benefited tremendously – “but what about the kids who are currently in this system?” King questions. 


In 2020, when parents were just discovering the indoctrination in schools, Michelle Obama’ s My School Vote’s initiative was well underway with a stated goal of “getting every eligible high school student registered to vote’’.


When parents went external, to school board meetings and policy, the Left went internal – connecting directly with the children.  This has been their tactic for years.


To counter this engagement strategy Quisha King has developed the The Parents Guide To Stop Indoctrination workshop that teaches parents how to help their children recognize and stop the indoctrination in the classroom, in real time.


“By the time parents learn of the harmful curriculum, books or ideas being spread, the opportunity to correct has already passed,” says King.


Parents can hurl a massive blow to the system by going internal and engaging directly with their own children.  Your voice as a parent should be the loudest in their life, not the schools. Getting your child protected from indoctrination, *self*- motivated to learn and able to provide a strong defense for their values is what King teaches.


Course creator Quisha King says, “If we have any shot of saving the next generation there has to be direct dialogue in meaningful ways to our own children and children in our community,”.  You can register here for the FREE trial workshop coming up on February 7th at 1:00pm ET.


About Quisha King

Quisha is a homeschool mom of 2 daughters, a Christian Conservative education advocate and media personality. She’s also the founder of The Mass Exodus Movement- that aims to get children into better learning environments & Host of the Quisha King Show.