It seems like everyday we hear a new story about children being depressed, lonely, hanging with the wrong crowd, losing hope and believing some of the most illogical beliefs. Children are being taught they can choose their gender, that they can heal racism by focusing on ones race and even that the earth may not be here very long but if they petition the government they can change earth’s course. And this is largely pushed in schools.
Whatever happened to not being picked for dodge ball being a kids biggest issue? Those were the good ole days…
Parents send their kids to school thinking they’ll get a good education where they’ll will go on to lead successful lives, have a family and raise their own children. That’s the hope at least.
Nowadays instead of picking what volleyball team they want to play for they have to choose what gender they want to be, what poster they’ll make for the social justice rally or how they’ll end racism by “doing the work” and “being an good alley”.
The crazy part is most parents have no idea that this is going on and most certainly do not know what to do about it.
I was that parent, I started to not even like my children because they were becoming little people that I didn’t recognize and I didn’t understand at all how to connect with them.
I mean, as a mother, losing connection with your child is hard to face, we’re just supposed to know how to do it. But I didn’t. Until I learned a few tactics that helped me along the way.