You’ll walk away having learned:
*The Open and Close
*Master The Art of Storytelling
*The Art of the Segue
*Professionally Handling Q&A
*On the Spot Speaking
*Earn money as a speaker
You’ll walk away having learned:
*How to get on National News
*How to open and close your interview
*How to keep the audience interested
*How to handle questions you were NOT prepped for
You’ll walk away having learned:
*How to get on local and national radio
*Best practices for radio
*How to keep the audience interested
*What to do with silence and no visuals
You’ll walk away having learned:
*Being professional and authentic
*The difference between a large podcast audience and news
*How to handle live comments
*When to get spicey
You’ll walk away having learned:
*How to write powerful headlines
*Find relevant stories to grab the reader
*Learn the proper structures for Op-Ed
*Best ways to get Op-Ed’s chosen for news site